Charcoal Production

The author, Gary Gilmore, explains how he designed a charcoal retort from 55 gallon drums. This is a smoke free design also the flare could be put to use.

Water Heater to Prototype Small Charcoal Retort.
Mark A. Gallmeier December 10, 2006

Water Heater Tank - Charcoal RetortWater Heater Tank - Charcoal Retort

TED Technology Entertainment Design, BMW, 2006

"MIT engineer Amy Smith designs ingenious low-cost devices to tackle tough problems in developing countries. She received a MacArthur "Genius" Grant in 2004, and was the first woman to win MIT's famed Lemelson Prize. In this talk, she explains the vision behind her inventions, which include eco-friendly charcoal and a laboratory incubator that doesn't require electricity. (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 15:48)"

Russian and Ukrainian Manufacturers of Charcoal, Meeting March 14, 2007, St. Peterburg
Dr. Yury Yudkevich, main technologist "Bioenergy LLC"


Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers of charcoal have decided to organize a meeting. This meeting will take place in Petersburg on March, 14. They plan 1. to create association charcoalinger. 2. To develop the common strategy of sales of coal. 3. To study opportunities of a collective output on the foreign markets. Participation of wholesale consumers of charcoal from Europe and others is desirable.

Charcoal Production Improvements
John Kuteesakwe GTZ, German Development Cooperation, German Technical Cooperation, The Republic of Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral DevelopmentProgram Officer, Energy Advisory Project 2005

Charcoal Kiln, Zambia
Robert Yokelson University of Montana, 2000

Bamboo-Based Charcoal Production
National Mission on Bamboo Applications,Info-sheet 03 09/05
Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), India


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