Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

Images of experiments with a mesh wick in a charcoal stove.
Jigme Rangdrol Class of 10 year Olds June 2006

Mesh Wick

The original idea was to see if we could coax the gas from the fuel to climb up a mesh frame and burn above the fuel bed thus allowing us to see what was going on better and see subtle changes in CO burns.

Cook Stove Efficiency, Health and Environmental Impacts
Biomass Lab Report
Yanxia Chen, David Pew, Dan Abbott 2002

Laboratory comparison of traditional Kenyan Jiko and improved Kenyan Jiko for Efficiency, Particulate Matter and CO.

Improved Stoves and Organic Briquettes
Demetrio Roja, ADRA Peru August 2003
Richard Stanley, Legacy Foundation

Fogones mejorados y Briquetas Orgánicas

Indoor Air Pollution Reduction in Indoor Air Pollution Reduction in
Peru and Bangladesh
: Peru and Bangladesh:Experiences and Lessons to Date (pdf)
Lutfiyah Ahmed and Rogสินค้าออกกำลังกายผู้หญิง คุณภาพ ราคาพิเศษ

Paul Hait, May 29, 2006

Lanny Henson May 27, 2006

Henson Center fire, simple tin can wood gas burner cartridge module.

Lanny Henson, May 26, 2006

Center fired cartridge burner modules for wood and charcoal.

How Important is Modern Energy for Microenterprises? Evidence from Rural Kenya
Charles Kirubi, University of California at Berkeley, Master Thesis, May 2006

Aprovecho Research Center

Cómo construir una estufa con chimeneas de uso eficiente
de combustible de nueva generación.

La estufa Justa fue desarrollada a través de los esfuerzos coordinados de centroamericanos,
la organización Árboles, Agua para la Gente, el Club Internacional
de Rotarios y el Centro de Investigación “Aprovecho”.

Texto: Peter Scott
Ilustraciones: Tony Wiley, Brian Thomas y Ethan Hughes
Traducción al castellano:
Amado Lascar & Jesús Sepúlveda
Para mayor información sobre la estufa Justa o para obtener asistencia en el diseño de una estufa propia para su comunidad, por favor contáctenos:
Aprovecho Research Center


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