An Up-scale of the Use of fuel-efficient stoves in the preparation of school meals in WFP assisted schools.

An Up-scale of the Use of fuel-efficient stoves in the preparation of school meals in WFP assisted schools.
Pamela Shao, School Feeding Service, The United Nations World Food Programme, September 4, 2007

Dear Colleagues,

My name is Pamela Shao, I have just joined the group this week and would like to introduce myself to you all and share my project. But first a little background information about the WFP School Feeding Programme where my project is based.

As you may all know, the United Nations World Food Programme provides meals at school to more that 19 million children in 71 countries worldwide. Other than these school meals, the WFP School Feeding programme runs secondary activities to help improve the health and nutrition of our beneficiaries under what we call 'The Essential Package' to primary education. In this package is the installation of fuel-efficient stoves to cook the school meals.

Together with our various partners, we have installed hundreds of stoves in programmes in Bhutan, Bolivia, Cambodia, The Gambia, Laos, Lesotho, Malawi and Tanzania whose impacts have not only contributed to the conservation of forest resources but also triggered community development; as the case in Tanzania where women have been trained to replicate the school stove in their homes.

I have joined this group not only to share our experiences but also network with you all on strategies of up-scaling the use of fuel efficient stoves in making them a basic requirement of a WFP school feeding programme rather than stand-alone projects that we have now. I welcome your suggestions, comments, funding sources and any other information of on-going projects that we can learn from.

I am attaching our website below as well as the Essential Package document for further reference.

(See attached file: The Essential Package to basic Education.pdf)

Best regards

Pamela Shao
School Feeding Service
The United Nations World Food Programme
Via C.G Viola, 68/70
00148, Rome
Tel: +39 06 6513 3506
Fax: +39 06 6513 2854
Chaussures Homme J.M. Weston