
Baking using (Tanzanian) charcoal stove

See also Baking Using Charcoal/Wood Stove

Mkaa = charcoaladidas superstar damen glitzer silber

Energy Saving Stoves (pdf)
Majiko Sanifu, Traditional Irrigation and Environment Development Organization, Moshi Tanzania

Examples of Energy Savings Stoves:

Jiko la Kilakala
Hutengenezwa kwa udongo wa mfinyanzi, majani, mchanga na mawe.

Kilakala Stove.
Made-up from clay soil, grass and sand

Jiko la Lushoto

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"Use an Improved Charcoal Stove!" by Shima Sago, the Assistant Coordinator at Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organisation, made this promotion story.

Sazawa Charcoal Stove Designed for Efficient Use of Charcoal C. Pesambili, F. Magessa and N. Mwakabuta, Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organization (TaTEDO) Dar Es Salaam 2003


Sazawa is an Improved Charcoal Stove developed by TaTEDO; the stove is made up of metal sheet, round bars and two clay ceramic liners (fireboxes), which are bounded together to metal body by mixture of cement and rice husk ashes. Intended to save a significant amount of charcoal consumed in the cooking meals in the households.

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